The Plane Campers Oath.

1.I will always have a plane.(Even though I haven't learned to fly it yet and always nose dive into the ground or crash into a hill or ocean 30 seconds after taking off).

2.The next plane that spawns is mine no matter what. (Meaning I will try and destroy the plane or TK any teammate who I know will get to the plane before me).

3.Other vehicles tank/jeep/apc are used for me to get to a plane if I spawn on the other side of the base. (Meaning I will grab a vehicle and abandon it right in front of the other planes so my teammates in other planes can't take off,and makes teammates who use the vehicles to actually go out and take flag points run clear across the base to get the vehicle I abandoned to get my plane so it gives the enemy more time to get to points first).

4.I will always stay at the airfield no matter what. (Meaning even if we are losing and everyone is needed to help get points I will stay at my camping post,because I might miss the next PLANE!!!!! if I go fight).