Hi everybody:

First of all, I had a good time at the informal practice with you all tonight. I started to get pretty comfortable w/ Teamspeak and got better and better with it.

Now, my stupid engineer trick of the day:

Was playing an Iwo Jima map w/ 0% FF. Just for kicks I came up with a move I call "The Suribachi DetPack Slide." I took an engineer kit and landing craft and put down on the steep backside of Suribachi. I found that if you drop all four DetPacks at the base of the mountain and blow them just behind you as you run up the hill, they'll blast you all the way to the top! Once at the top, everyone was either running AAA or defending the "correct" side of the hill. I did an easy headshot on a AAA guy, stole his assault kit and started wreaking havoc. I captured their last flag and ended the game.

Anyway, I figure you could take a landing craft and a squad of six guys and blast them all to the top at once from the bsckside. The Japs would never know what hit 'em...

See you all Monday.

"Prison Bitch"