I tried to post this in 12v12 but it wouldn't let me so I'm trying here:

I'm not sure if anyone saw me make a post in the Doolittle thread (I think that's the correct one) about setting up a scrimmage with [GSI]. I think scrimmages should be held a little more often because it offers us (12v12 & 8v8) a chance to practice our strats while on the same team. Practices are nice but sometimes we don't have the correct teams then. If anyone is interested in setting up scrimmages with them or another clan post here. This would give us more opportunities to get used to how each other thinks during gametime and allows us to 'read' what the others are doing (like a quarterback knows how to read his receivers when they change routes). Practicing against a team that isn't as good also allows us a better chance of making sure everyone knows where they're going without fear of being fragged before they get a chance to do their assigned duties. Bring your suggestions and comments forward!