From the official BF1942 site:


Ten hut soldiers!

We’ve got plenty to talk about this week, so sit down and stay sharp! First and foremost the 1.31 patch has been released. We also have a sound configuration guide that should help those of you that have been experiencing sound difficulties out there on the battlefield. Now, let’s discuss what we’ve addressed in the patch:

Network/Server Fixes

We fixed a crash in co-op mode when restarting the map – this crash was known to occur right after a map switch
We removed the default Remote Admin Password for servers – there was a default password in place that could be used as an exploit
We changed the object collision system to prevent exploits involving players hiding inside of objects – more widely known as the “Coral Sea” bug

Client Fixes

We locked out an exploit to prevent users from seeing through walls.

Sound Fixes

We modified several attributes of the sound system to provide better sound performance. If you still experience problems, be sure to consult our guide below (see the site for details).

There's also a corresponding server side patch as well. Hopefully this means that R2R will and the 1.3.1 patch will be accepted by TWL and we can hop back on the BF1942 ladder.