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Thread: Hylander/Widowmaker WWIIOL update

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    Loved By All [AK]Choozoo's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    DOH! I had hyperlinked the thread instead of pics.
    Forgot, w/o account, you can't view....

    These are 4 of many....

    From Gophur:

    The release of v1.8 will include the vehicle set for 1941. This release will also have new terrain included. In the past this would intimate a map reset. We are planning to break that routine by introducing new terrain with this map while keeping the current map state. Ideally we hop to have not only CP ownership, but also facility state and FB state saved when the server restarts. This may be over optimistic but we expect that at a minimum CP ownership will not change after the patch. This will allow us to place the 1941 vehicles into the spawn lists while continuing the current war. So, the 1941 vehicles will be introduced into the ongoing live server at approximately 5 weeks past the start of the map, conforming to our original plans for ’41 vehicle set introduction. Once we have v1.8 released we have some new dynamics to introduce that will allow the High Commands and the players more direct control of which vehicles will be introduced and when. We are not ready to announce our plans here so I’d prefer not to answer questions on this matter but I wanted to make you aware that there will be some interesting news after 1.8.


    With the release of v1.8 we will be adding some new fidelity to certain areas of the terrain. Players will now find that several tree lines and roadsides have increased foliage cover. This increase is in what are now the 2d tree lines and shrub lines. In addition to these we have added a variety of small berms and hills to the farm areas in the terrain. These will provide an increase to both cover and concealment and offer some very interesting changes to fighting in the field. We will be working to add more of these unique terrain features into the future releases for WWIIOL.

    .fuse (1.00 to 6.00)

    Anti-aircraft weapons will now have the ability to set the time delay on their shecks. The delay can be set is from one to six seconds. This delay is the number of seconds after firing that the sheck will detonate. If no fuse time is set the round will function as it currently does and detonate at its default time out.
    From Toto:
    Friday Infantry Update 03-07-2003:

    One word for you all: BETA!

    That’s right, current functionality has been replaced in the BETA. I had to do some repairs on the German trooper today, but he’s finished and back in.

    What does this mean for the public release? Well, after they have went through some stages of testing, fixing, tweaking, and we are satisfied with them, they will make it into the public offering.
    NOTE: Initial implementation is a replacement of CURRENT public functionality. The new features will come on a regular basis afterwards. We (Thunder and Toto) already have a quasi-feature list for the patch following the 1.8 release. Of course, this has to be approved by others, but I am sure you will all like it.

    I am relieved to have the baseline complete and I’m really looking forward to getting all that FUN stuff in the game.


    Can we get a look at the faces for the new inf models?
    Yep, take a look at the in-game screenshots that Doc was kind enough to snap for me and pass on to you fine people. We had some trouble with the German LOD’s, hence the reason there are no screenshots of him.

    Will the infantry "at rest" state be in 1.8?
    No…not initially. It will follow very soon afterward. I do mean soon.

    Will the game not support the player being able to select weapons via the scroll wheel on our mouse like all other FPS's?
    It doesn’t right now because we do not have a previous or next weapon function in the game. Why? Is that something you think a lot of players might want? I hear it’s not that tough to add.

    Will squads be able to design/import their own shoulder sigs or will you give a list to choose from?
    This is still being discussed. I would like to be able to let squads, brigades, whatever, design their own under a strict set of parameters. Like I said, this is still being discussed.

    Will there ever be a uniform for commanders of a squad?
    We want to have distinctive uniforms for officers and the like, how far down on the “to-do” list that is though, I have very little clue.

    What is the possibility of having some kind of "PLAY DEAD" button or control where an infantry unit could use this funtion when fired upon to doop the attacker into thinking he is dead?
    Well, this particular idea to help the survivability of our brave infantry has never been discussed. I can tell you that we have a few things in the works to help the survivability of the troops in the field.

    Have you guys thrashed out a list of what's gonna get added post initial release and further on down the line or is most of it still 'up in the air' so to speak?
    We have! Now, if I can relay that list to you all is something I will find out this week. If I can, I will post it for you in the next update.



    Also, the Windhund have gone French for the current map by request....

    allors! aujourd'hui nous sommes les Levrier

    Maybe you should reactivate your accounts with 1.8? Give it a shot at least....
    Last edited by Choozoo; 03-11-2003 at 10:07 AM.
    **I just have nothing cool enough to put here**

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