A couple of TWL annoucements to watch:

1.31 will be made the official version for the Battlefield 1942 LADDERS starting Wednesday, March 12th. This is to give a couple more days to see if any nasty bugs pop up. If you have a match before then, and both teams agree, you may use 1.31, otherwise, 1.2 will have to be played until Wednesday March 12th. All matches starting Wednesday March 12th MUST be played on 1.31, subject to change.


Inquiry for TWL Admins - Do you guys have any idea what maps you're including of the expansion pack? Since you seem to be giving the green light for 1.31, do you plan on adding all of the new maps or not using some of them? Any specifics on that yet?

Indica/TWL admin
Official Announcement coming tonight (psst,.. all the maps will be added to start, we can remove the ones that don't pan out right)

That "tonight" was Monday, but I didn't see any such announcement. But the R2R inclusion can't be too far behind.

I was thinking that we might want to field an 8-man or 12-man team again. Any interest?