Practice tonight was impressive. We worked on Damnation having O vs D runs trying to cap. No turrets...thank you! After reviewing Defensive positions Slaughter, Goob and I set out running normal cap routes with escort. The first side we attempted to cap from was less than stellar. The defense held nicely. We switched routes and capped quickly on once run. Escorting helped on second cap as I got popped and Slaughter picked it up and finished the job. At first chasers were interupted by escorts but they soon learned to zero in on capper and keep on him. The HD wasn't able to lock on many times with missle launcher which surprised me...Need to figure out why.

So finally we tried the other route and capped 2 out of 3 attempts with heavy pressure by Defense. We switched roles towards the end of practice. We were crushed...only a couple of slivers of decent coverage.

In attendance were: SolarWolf, Raider, Jackle, Beast, Slaughter, Goob and myself. SolarWolf did a fine job and improved quickly...maybe to quickly. heh! Raider...boy, show off! Caps on me and blows me up with a satchel charge to boot as I'm chasing him. Man, I'm getting old. Jackle just hasn't missed a beat, pounds you into the ground and then reaches down with his hand and helps you up. Beast, likes his new spot on map...LazyBoy, 12pack of Milw. finest, little TV next to him for WWF and he just loves lobbing mortars and popping guys with his missle launcher. Slaughter as away, quite, almost shy but man when he smells blood...well thats why we call him Slaughter...Nice job all around capping and escorting. Goob...I feel your pain. Redjacks suck no two ways about it. While he was able to play some, he never got warmed up. Poor souls on the other team when he does though.

Anyway, thanks guys! I think we learned a little more, I hope it helped. The style of practice is what I would like to see us standardize on. I hope our Sunday practice goes as well...everybody was very, very professional tonight which made my job much, much easier...Thanks!


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