Okay, this one is killing me.

Windows 2003 Server
Windows XP Professional

Roaming User Profiles

Folder Redirection is set in Group Policy to have 'My Documents' point to server share (\\server\user$\My Documents)

On the workstation, I turned on Offline Files.

I log on as a user, open 'My Documents' (verified that I'm actually looking at the shared version). I delete a text file. I log off. When I log back on, the file is back.

When I deleted the file from 'My Documents' (the share)... the offline copy remains. When I log back on and sychronization takes place, the offline copy is pushed back up to the server.

Hence, when I delete a file from 'My Documents' it comes right back.

I'd like to keep offline files turned on that way if the server goes down, the captain can still access his personal files. And we want their personal files on the server so that we can back them up.

What am I doing wrong?