Liberals -Vs- Conservatives, the left versus the right, someone against someone else.

This is what I do not get from the left or the right. Everyone has an agenda. Ok so what? Some of you did not serve in the military, and perhaps some of you did. But you know what? As a proud card carrying African American Republican, I am tired of the blame on past Presidential Administrations, and not "Enough" recognization of where it is that we have to go and doing it in a manner that is in respect of the land in which we live in.

Oh yeah, and do not think for a minute that I do not think that neither Republicans nor Democrats do not play, stereotypical racial politics, because both sides play the card to get points.

Three strikes?


That was noting more that to scare "WHITE” people in voting for gun control and keeping voting districts across the states where "Liberals" or "Democrats" had a majority rule in "Minority Politics", to keep whites in place where they could keep in step of the "Grand Old' Party".

Funny this is the Grand Old Party that I believe in, But to be up front to you, it is not the Grand Old Party that I believe in. I believe in this party because it supports "Free Enterprise". However this is the same old party that still to this day does not really like people of Color. Sorry Devil, but I have been to many NH primaries where I was not welcome.

So forget this kinder gentler "whiter" love of land, within the realm of politics. You cannot legislate the mind of a man, and in this COUNTRY bigotry still runs rampant. It is just hidden more today than it was in earlier times. By that I mean the 70's.

Today a bigot is not as upfront about his or her sentiments that he or she was back in the 70's or 80's. Now more and more people that do not agree with "Racial Politics" are more than not likely to share their sentiments about what they feel. So you know what?

That leaves people that look like me on the short end of the stick. WHY?
Because this is how most minorities in this country really look at the MAJORITY of the white populace.

First of all, some of you will shake our hands and tell us that "Hey, you are not the fault of oppression" Yet, we still cannot get jobs based on our COLOR, yet we still are segregated in our "Our” communities.

How many places can a person of color live in a blended state with "Whites" and still have the same quality of life?

Why it still to this day there is area of "White Flight" where some choose to still not to believe that we (as blacks) are not the products of stereotypes.

So you know what kids? Don't tell me (GVT CHEESE) as an AFRICAN AMERICAN that I have all the freedoms that you do. For if I am your equal why then:

I Still to this day walk down the street and people of non color "CROSS" the street so that they do not have to look at me?

Why is it that white women still "CLUTCH” their purses when I walk past them?

Perhaps some of you should see the movie "Watermelon Man" to see my point of view. Because I am going to tell you something and I really do not care if you see it or not.

I as a BLACK man I have to live a life of Dual Extremes. By this I mean. I have to live my life on both ends of the spectrum. I have by "Black" life and my "White" life.

I can roam freely in a white mans existence, using perfect English, and adhering to what some of you see as existence and life in terms that you live your day-to-day existence upon. So what in the hell do I mean by this?

If I woke up tomorrow and I was white, my quality of life would INCREASE, I would not have to walk out of the door and constantly process what it is to be "Black" and still have a place in life.

However think about this. If you as white men, woke up tomorrow Black, would you know how to cope with that? I highly doubt it. The funny thing is that over time, it is always expected that we should "ACT" like you.

Now all of a sudden, with the advent of rap and the "Selling of Black Culture" it is cool for white people to be Black. Do not believe me? Look at popular culture, look at the music industry. It is cool to sell the black culture, but you know what?

At the end of the day, I will still be black and have to assimilate myself into your world, and you will never have do jack shit to even want to understand what it is to be in mine.

So to this I say the "HELL" with racial politics and I will stick with the facts.


I did not make the rules, none of us did, but you know what, until I pass into the grave I will sure live by them.

Oh and for all of you that think you know more than me. Walk in my shoes as a black man not for a day, but for a year, or how about a decade. I do not think that any of you who do not look like me could. Funny thing is, I am more prepared to live in your existence that you are in mine.

And I am a card Carrying Republican.