Well guys on June 19th i am getting married so i might not be around that much for the next couple of weeks. Not that i mind being married but i can't wait for the wedding to be over with. I would rather sit here all night and let Abaddon kick my but in huey duels. As he has already done more than once. She is a great and beautiful girl and why she is with me i will never know. However she is a girl and that is her biggest downside. As i am sure you guys that are hitched hear from time to time that i spend too much time on the computer! Well i think this is much better that being bombarded by the Soap Network or LifeTime or some other similar show, I haven't known you guys for very long but the ones i have gotten to know have become quick friends. I'm not sure how many actors she has made freinds with off of her shows but i bet they wouldn't listen to her ramble the way i am now or treat me as good as you guys have. I am gonna miss playing with you guys for the couple of weeks i will be out of action, but i will be back as soon as i can, married and still playing on the computer to much, (according to the new wife) but I don't know of any other flat screens that i can look into and get so much out of. Thx guys for letting me hang around.
