This week's Contest will test your research abilities. All answers can be found using the AK website and Internet search engines. Please read the rules carefully to ensure your entry is elligible. You must answer all questions correct and completely. Don't forget to post if you want the prize or wish to roll it over.

1. What were the specifcations of Ages' computer in 1998

2. Which mangager for the City of Plymouth, Minnesota is a member of ConQuest Boys Club and was probably convicted for child abuse and neglect of a 16 year old boy? Also, what kind of boots did he wear in 1996?

3. Name one AK member whose real name is the same as his screen name.

4. What is the phone number for the 7-11 closest to my son's grandfather's house?

5. Which one of these is not like the other, and why? Peanut, Almond, Cashew, Walnut, Pecan.

Good Luck!