I headed out this morning to one of the local feilds to drop in a play some woodsball with my new gear (thanks Faxman). I bought my paint, got ready to head out in the staging area and was read the riot act when one of the field employee's who was on his day off asked me if I would sub in on a 3 on 3 airball match they call it airball here for some reason, but anyways I knew what he was talking about. So I think to myself, i've maybe put 5 rounds through this gun I just got at the target range 5 minutes prior and this guy wants me to join in on a speedball match.... Sure what the hell
so I head over to the speedball arena a pretty big rectangle with inflated objects. (keep in mind this is all new to me guys) I enter the arean and I look over at the other guys I am playing agains all wearing Dye jerseys and pants and they all match and they all have what appear to be Dye matrix markers... Oh $hit I thought, I am toast I ask the guy who invited me to join how good these guys are and his response was "They suck, they've just got alot of money" Ok well that didn't make me feel that much better considering the rate of fire i'd seen them producing while I watched earlier but I thought what the hell. My heart was pounding and I thought this would be a damn cool experience so we go back and start at the "brick" ? and the ref blows the whistle I run about 20 feet to the nearest object for cover, while firing wilding at the guy across the arena who's firing at me and dive down behind the cover I poped my head out and saw my opponents and a stream of paint comming my way and dropped back then popped my head out again and took about 3 rounds to the mask and body. The whole duration of these events lasted about 20 seconds.... I know why its called speedball now. But wow what a rush, alot different that woodsball. I played in about 4 or 5 more matches but went to 4 on 4 and had alot of fun before going back over to the woodsball field. Wow is all I have to say what fun... I am now already looking at the tournement level markers definetly an addictive hobby/sport.