TRIBES: Vengeance MP Demo

The multiplayer TRIBES: Vengeance demo is now available, allowing the chance to check out Irrational Games' installment in the multiplayer shooter series. Word from Sierra is that the T:V beta will end September 29. Also: "The multi-player demo contains four maps and offers five different gameplay types. The final version of Tribes:Vengeance will ship with 11 multi-player maps, but will offer infinite variety with the availability of easy-to-use modification tools which will be released when the game ships. Irrational Games has built a unique gameplay system that will make it easy for enterprising game designers to mix and match gameplay types, maps, and objects to create original and unique ways of playing an online game." The 472 MB download is available on the Sierra Entertainment Website, and mirrored on 3D Gamers, Fileaholic, FileFront, FilePlanet (registration required), Filerush (torrent), GameSpot DLX (registration required), and Worthplaying.