I don't know how many of you are serious chefs but I ran across the greatest deal I've ever seen on a knife set at Amazon.com and thought I'd pass it along.

In my mind and many others, the finest chef's knives in the world are Wüstof-Trident from Germany. Amazon is closing out their Grand Prix line to make room for the Grand Prix II line. Both have the finest steel Wüstof has to offer, with only minor ergonomic changes to the new line.

Anyway, I just ordered a seven-piece block set for $160, from the regular list price of $480! I've been wanting a set of real knives for years and don't think another deal this good will be along anytime soon.

Here's the URL:

They will list for $180, but enter the promotional code: KHBEVENTSALE for an additional $20 off. Also, you can get free shipping.

Just thought I'd let you all know. Now go cook some good food...