I'd like to see someone make a mosaic of all the American WWII war dead superimposed over FDR's face. Oh yeah, Nazism was worth fighting, but Islamofascism is not. I forgot. Remember, Nazis were evil (and Bush is himself a Nazi; he's the reincarnation of Hitler), while Islamofascists are simply misunderstood victims of American imperialism who just happen to have absolutely no regard for basic human rights, whatsoever (like Nazis, but ignore that inconvenience, please). Of course, this small fault is forgivable to leftist wackos like Michael Moore, whose hatred of America supercedes any humanitarian concerns. The only people he cares about are fanatical Muslims who die as a result of unprovoked American aggression in its war on terror, which is, of course, entirely based on the make-believe assertion that so-called terrorism is actually a life-threatening problem. As Moore himself has emphatically stated, "There is no terrorist threat in this country. This is a lie. This is the biggest lie we've been told." Apparently, our African embassies were not bombed, the USS Cole was not bombed, the World Trade Center was not bombed in 1993, and September 11th never happened. The whole thing is a lie. Islam really is the Religion of Peace™.

Don't believe for a moment that this mosaic demonstrates any compassion on Michael Moore's part for US military personnel. He never misses an opportunity to defame them, as is readily apparent in his trashy propaganda film. In it, he portrays US soldiers as a trigger-happy, inarticulate imbeciles who can't wait to kill people and "let the mother****er burn" because they're too poor, stupid, and disenfranchised to make it in the civilian world. Moore also never misses a chance to profit from their deaths.