Pass on this one boys and girls. I think we are starting to see the downhill slide of the comic-book movie attraction. The movie industry has seen the commercial draw of superhero movies and now all they want to do is cash in and cash out. After wasting $7.00 on a matinee at 10:30 this morning to see F4 I can only dread to see what else Hollywood could possibly due to ruin the future of 'good' Marvel or DC titles. Sure, the genre will rebound (who remembers Captain America or S.H.I.E.L.D. (staring David Hasselhoff)) but the damage is done and once again I'm dissapointed. F4 was never strong enough for a movie in my opinion anyway but when this bombs what then of the good stories? What will happen to the film adapatation of Alan Moore's groundbreaking and dramatic 'The Watchmen'? Will Nick Cage ever appear as 'The Ghostrider'. And what of the current production of Superman... is it too doomed to fail? I worry that a single flop like F4 will ripple through Hollywood. Budgets will be cut. Scripts thrown out. And once again our childhood comic book heroe's will be thrown back to the direct-to-video shelf at Blockbuster. Bah!

F4 had your standard slew of bad acting, bad script, and plot holes gallore supported on the stage of special effects and fond childhood memories that have collectively been dashed upon the rocks like Batman 3 & 4. What a waste.