ASIA --- George Bush caused a devastating earthquake in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India that killed over 20,000 people. Through a combination of global warming, a Karl Rove leak, and a multi-billion dollar Haliburton contract, Bush managed to divert attention from other issues and destroy the lives of over 20,000 innocent people.

"We can't allow this man to continue killing people using natural disasters," said Ted Kennedy. "He's diverting attention away from domestic failures and Supreme Court nominations by killing thousands of non-Caucasians across the world. I just fail to understand how someone so dumb is capable of executing such complex schemes to destroy the world."

I still like the idea that all this weather is the direct result of Destro's Weather Dominator seen here:

In the photo, you can see that Destro is behind the controls. As Destro wears a mask devoid of hair, it's reasonable to assume that Destro is in fact, Dick Cheney. In the following hidden camera photo you can see Dick 'Destro' Cheney revealing the Weather Dominator to White House snitch and part-time Ninja, Karl Rove (seen in white):

Which can only lead any able-minded adult to the conclusion that President George Bush is....

Cobra Commander!

(Photo: Brad Pitt, Barbara Bush, George W. Bush (man in mask), and Secret Service Agent Jones).

Of course that leads us to ask, "Who is Serpantor?" That question will remain unaswered... for now!