If 10 mosques had been set aflame, the media would have headlined this story every single night. There would be a national debate concerning anti-islamic motivators and how the culprits were full of hate and probably right-wing conservatives. George Bush would have been blamed and everyone would say that it's America's fault for not being more understanding and fostering an environment of hate. Cindy Sheehan would set up a new camp and demand that the President be impeached. Schools would have special 'day of understanding' to ensure that children learned to love Mohamhed. Every white, male, Christian would be questioned. CNN/Gallup would issue a poll showing that Americans are the cause of all the world's hatred. Meanwhile in Dubai, the U.S. Embassy would be firebombed and 3 would be trampled to death outside of Cairo. (France of course would immediately surrender).

But.... they're just Baptists churches. And liberals hate Christians. It's not news. Move along folks. Nothing to see here.