Yesterday on my day off I spent a fair amount ingame playing around. I decided to give the Tormentor a serious shot and see what I could do. I know as an Oppressor nothing cramps my style more than having an aircraft repeatedly take out my deployables, or have an enemy engineer smarten up and drop a few Anti Art turrents.

I gotta say I had a blast after getting use to the controls and having the ability to make hits on deployables on the run as well as the ability to do a little dog fighting action.

The GDF aircraft I think is easier to fly, as well as having more armor is tough to tackle in the sky but the tormentor has unmatched speed which with a little finess can be more valuable.

I seriously love the field ops class and sometimes miss playing on the ground, but I think having 1 or 2 skilled pilots is going to be one of the keys to victory. I know on a few campaigns I had all GDF deployables and turrents litterly shut down from the sky. I was able to spot the Moggs as the flew into to drop deployables and turrents and just made the rounds and disabled them as quickly as possible then went back around and actually destoyed them.

As well keeping enemy aircrafts out of the sky is a pluss for your team and when teamed with soldiers on the ground with a rocket launchers its not all that hard.

If your ineterested in flying I suggest practicing your little heart out cause its going to be one of the major factors to our teams victory in the ladder games.