
Last weekend I bought a Wii Fit and I have far from mastered it so take all of this with a grain of salt but it kicks my rear!

First off the computer makes your little character your approximate height and BMI so if you are overweight it has no pity on you it makes your image tubby.

Second it has no pity while you are working out in the Yoga portion it says things like "you put your leg down for that pose didn't you" and "your balance is a little shaky" Well I get that alot anyway.

I like all the sections. and so far the exercises have been good. I'm not bored at all yet. (It has only been a week though.)

I am not good at the balance exercises and my skier and such often don't go where I would like them too but I am getting better.

It isn't faultless for instance the pushups on the strength portion make me feel very unstable doing pushups off the balance board so I skip that one rather than bonk my noggin.

The exercises are not unique or terribly creative BUT I'm ok with that how different can they make push ups and sit ups after all.

I like that it tracks your weight and BMI for you with the addition of a balance function. I know you can do this with a pen and a scale I have for years I like not having to do that anymore it will integrate it.

I don't feel like I have exercised for very long and yet the next day I alsways feel things like stairs and such.

So that is my short input on the Wii fit.

I like it, I am using it. We'll see how long I use it for.