
Tell us about you: My name is Luc and I live in Canada. I'm currently single and I know how to speak French and English. I've been playing WoW since December 31, 15minutes before 2006-07 (I dont remember >_<)

Your "Real Life" Age and Occupation: 22 and work in a Warehouse.

Availabilty for Raids: Monday to Thursday after 4 Server till 10 Server - Friday after 4server till pass out - Saturday after 4 Server till pass out (can also be available all day, depends) and Sunday all day till 10 Server.

Past guilds, and why you left each: I've been with Team MAYHEM since my priest was lvl 31 and been with them ever since. I have been doing nothing for about 3-4 months without raiding BIG stuff. I got tired and left.

Past Raid Experience: Karazhan/Gruul/little bit of ZA/Mag. I do not know a lot live but I do know a lot on Tactics of each boss. I've read a lot on them and how the fight goes.

Interest: (Hard Core Raiding/Regular Raiding/Social Raiding/PVP) Hard Core Raider was my first intention in this game, but in my spare time, I normally do PvP.

How long have you been playing? (/played)
Evelyne - 129days, 23hours, 47minutes, 20seconds
Earthor - 48days, 21hours, 57minutes, 59seconds
Solonia - 21days, 0hours, 2minutes, 25seconds
Rukku - 50days, 23hours, 49minutes, 42seconds

Your email address:

Tell us about your raiding main: My main was a Hunter I started back on Drak' Thul but when I started playing on another Server, I started a Healing Priest and been sticking to it ever since. A lot of people say i'm a good healer (some say the best, psh).

Character Name: Evelyne

Class: Priest

Raid Spec: Holy (Currently Discipline for PvP, can spec back for raids no problem)

Link to the WOW Armory: I got 2 ways of showing my Profil, so I'll link them both.

Evelyne (Currently PvP Spec) /
Earthor (Currently PvP spec also) /
Solonia (PvE Spec) /
Rukku (Reach 70 recently) /

Attunements: Karazhan, MC, Bwl

Alts if any:
Earthor - 70 Elemental Shaman
Solonia - 70 Protection Paladin
Rukku - 70 MM Hunter

What are your professions? Are there any notable/exciting craftables that you can make?
Evelyne - Jewelcrafter (All Epic patterns) / Tailor
Earthor - Leatherworker (GotHT) / Skinner
Solonia - Alchemist (Potion spec with all flask except resto. Plan on going inscriber in Wrath) / Herbalist
Rukku - Eng / Minning

All of them are 375 in the exception of Eng.

What mods do you currently have installed? Omen, Recounts, Bartender3, DBM, Grid (For healing mainly), Pallypower (for Solonia), Pitbull, Decursive (not used to it, used to "Decurse" manually) and many more (Got a UI compilation)

Do you have ventrillo installed? Yes I do

Do you have a working microphone and know how to use it? Yes I do

IMPORTANT - What is your favorite non-combat pet?
Bananas, my little pet Gorilla. ^_^

Miscellaneous - and probably most important section of all:

Why do you want to join the August Knights? A few reason actully.
1- Want to go further than Karazhan or Gruul.. High end stuff.
2- Meeting with my Old guildmates again (Some from Mayhem that joined recently)
3- To be with Druantia again, cause she's my RL friend and I care about her like I would care about my children (if i had any). She's too important to my eyes than any other person I know (or close). We've been doing a lot of stuff together, and I dont want to stop there.

Do you know any current August Knights members who would be willing to vouch for you?
Tiann, Joric, Bacardii and of course, Druantia.

If you could have one "final meal" on earth, what would it be?
My dad's Hot dog, they are so good. *drool*

What are the last three books you read, and what did you think of each?
Dunno if it counts but "World of Warcrath Comic # 2-3-4" And they were Excelent.

What is your all-time favorite movie, and why?
Commando, Best old action movie I've seen.

Paper or Plastic? Paper (I like to take notes.)

Diamond Dave or Sammy? Sammy

Kirk or Picard? Why? Picard, cause I might have seen it once or twice.