Whatever it will be called in the near future, it will be the choice of most T2 teams to play in competition. I for one am very excited to see this change that should have been part of the original release of Tribes 2. Check out some of the information.

z0ddZODm0d v24834_3

Changes to base to make Tribes2 more enjoyable and bring
balance to broken game elements/items.

- ZOD (?)
- z0dd (z0dd@adelphia.net)

Put z0ddZODm0d.vl2 in the base directory and delete all .dso
files under ...\Tribes2 folder.

Delete the z0ddZODm0d.vl2 file in the base directory and delete
all .dso files under ...\Tribes2 folder.

- Slighlty quicker skiing
- Higher max speed
- Reduced the suicide spawn delay from 10 to 3 seconds.
- All armors move slighlty faster in water
- Slight increase to vehicle ejection hieght

- Cloak: Significantly reduced energy consumption
- SJP: When off, jams all non-camera sensors. When on, does the same over a small radius

- All: Sensor radius now displayed on cmd map
- Bomber: Takes a bit more damage. Bombs have more kickback
- MPB: Greater turbo power & higher top speed. Added teleporter. Turret sensor properly displayed on cmd screen
- Shrike: Fixed crosshair disappearing after using cmd map
- Grav Bike: Slighty higher top speed.

- Disc: Removed spread. Discs skip off water on ~20 degree impact. Higher kickback
- Missile Launcher: Slightly higher velocity. Slightly longer duration
- Mortar: Changed detonation delay from 2 seconds to 1.5
- ELF: Reduced range by 20%. Changed it from 37 to 30
- Camera grenade: Fixed the fisheye problem. Cameras detect jammed enemies

- Missile Barrel: Missile slightly sped up
- Plasma Barrel: Projectile slightly sped up and does more damage

- Remote Invs: Removed the viewpoint centering spin on contact
- Vehicle station: Quick-buy keys are the same for every vehicle on every map.
- Vehicle station: Vehicle selection HUD will be redisplayed if you try to buy a vehicle that can't be
purchased on this map or the max number of that vehicle type is already in use.

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==================What else is needed:=================
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- I'm going to add tweaked versions of these two maps:
Tombstone: Flag will be moved upstair between tunnel entrance and 2 archways.

Dust to Dust: Removing the turret inside each base. Spread out the spawns.
Haven't decided if I should move the original spawn, make it
larger or add another spawn sphere.