
Tell us about you:

Your "Real Life" Age and Occupation: 33 year old homicide detective for municipal police dept.

Availabilty for Raids: Varies, I work day shift for two weeks and then evening shift for two weeks. I also have on-call days and if working an active homicide or major criminal incident the schedule goes out the window.

Past guilds, and why you left each: Mercury, left because they were inactive. Legends Reborn, left because all of the high level toons left to go to other guilds and the guild pretty much fell apart.

Past Raid Experience: Dungeons only for the most part, waiting for lvl 80, have participated in some town raids as well

Interest: Regular Raiding/Social Raiding/PVP

How long have you been playing? about 4 months

Your email address:

Tell us about your raiding main:

Character Name: Graill

Class: Human Rogue

Raid Spec: 0/9/57

Link to the WOW Armory:


Alts if any: Ashrim (Pally), Maelstrome (DK), several low level toons that I was testing out

What are your professions? Are there any notable/exciting craftables that you can make? Leatherworking (390)

What mods do you currently have installed? Auctioneer, Questhelper

Do you have ventrillo installed? Yes

Do you have a working microphone and know how to use it? Yes

IMPORTANT - What is your favorite non-combat pet? That I own, Silver Tabby, watching it run to keep up with a mount makes me laugh. Don't have any of the exotic pets yet.

Miscellaneous - and probably most important section of all:

Why do you want to join the August Knights? Guild appears to be very active and several of the people I regulary group with are already members

Do you know any current August Knights members who would be willing to vouch for you? Triniak/Maurite, Brorlis/Senias, Trelessia

If you could have one "final meal" on earth, what would it be? A good NY Strip

What are the last three books you read, and what did you think of each?

Death's Acre by Dr. Bill Bass - very interesting if you are into forensics and skeletal identification (work related book),

The Icewind Dale Triligy - all the Drizzt books are good,

Patricia Cornwell's book on the history of Jack the Ripper (another work related book) - is ok thus far but slow to get started

What is your all-time favorite movie, and why? Aliens, it's an good man vs. alien shoot em all and let God sort em out kinda movie w/ no higher level thinking needed, just relax and watch

Paper or Plastic? Paper

Kirk or Picard? Why? Kirk, can't beat the 60's attitude of the Priceline Negotiator