No Squid.
Changed Rorschach's dog/child killer story
No Arctic scooters for Dan and Rorschach.
No Squid

I bought the graphic novel when it was released and still have my 1st edition at home. I've read it about three times in the past 19 years and know the story well. Thus, Synder's dedication to accurately recreated the comic resulted in a rather flat movie for me. I knew every line. I knew every scene. There was no build up... no anticipation. I could have just sat at home and re-read the comic.

Unlike a film adaptation of a novel in which the Director may the present the audience his interpretation of the book or maybe his vision of events differ from those in your mind's eye. A shot-by-shot or actually panel-by-panel remake of a comic leaves nothing for the directoryto surprise the audience with. They know what's coming and that kills something special in a movie.

But I must admit that Synder held true and did one hell of a job ensuring that every single shot was done with perfect homage to the comic. He took few liberties (dog & squid).

I look forward to a review from one of you that hasn't read the comic.