Joker/Obama poster
- Media: It's racist imagery (black face) from right-wing fanatics
- Fact: Liberal, Palestinian born Chicago artist created it the original (non-socialist image).

Hitler = Obama poser at Barney Frank Town Hall
- Media: right-wing hate groups are using health-care reform to attack Obama
- Fact: The sign was the work of left-wing nut jobs that follow Lyndon LaRouche

Colorado DNC HQ Vandalized:
- Media: Right wing hate groups lash out at Democrats
- Fact: 2 Obama campaign workers and registered democrats did it.

2nd Amendment supports carry weapons to Obama conference
- Media: White supremacists are angry at a black man being president
- Fact: It was a black man carrying the gun, the media simply edited him out of the picture.

Once the media reports the initial story they never revisit it when the facts are revealed or they bury the truth in a follow up article days later.