This is hilarious:

The IOC denied the dynamic Obama duo and Oprah? There's more corruption in Chicago than even the ultra-corrupt IOC can handle? The One . . . failed?

Maybe his time in Copenhagen could have been better spent doing something worthy of the office of the POTUS, like meeting with General McChrystal--the man in charge of the war in Afghanistan, with whom Obama has only spoken once--to discuss how we can avoid utter defeat in the War on Terror (or whatever the politically-correct bed-wetters in Washington are calling it now), which is claiming American lives while Obama dithers and distracts. This administration is Hoover, Harding, and Carter rolled into one; it is economically illiterate, corrupt to the core, and pathetically weak. Obama is not a serious man, and his supporters are not serious people.

Update: It turns out that Obama met with Gen. McChrystal on this trip--for a whole 25 minutes. Well, now that the Chicago Olympics and Afghanistan are squared away, the One can move on to his next success.