Last evening I upgraded my VISTA-64 install to Windows 7 Ultimate. Everything appears to have gone smoothly and all the programs I tested worked without issue. BFBC2 runs just fine, except for punkbuster. I cannot seem to get punkbuster to run. When I look at services, punkbuster is not listed anywhere. So far I've tried these:

1) pbsvc.exe to update punkbuster
2) Made sure my user has admin rights
3) Uninstalled BFBC2, deleted punkbuster directory, reinstalled BFBC2
4) Exception is in firewall, but doesn't matter since services aren't running anyways

Here is the exact error message:

"You have been kicked from the game. The reason is: PunkBuster kicked player '[AK]Hylander' (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: service Communication Failure: PNKBstrB.exe initialization failed."

I'm out of ideas and I can't seem to find any solutions online yet.