So...we've all seen the multiple PB kicks for AimBot . I was in a couple matches last night that had DOZENS of AimBot bans. Seems like PB doesn't always catch this and when it does catch it, it could be after a considerable period of time that the jackass has been cheating.

Personally I have never seen our server kick anyone for AimBot which makes me question whether it is functioning correctly. We have seen many folks jump into a round and next thing you know we are saying ...WOW!!! 40 kills 3 deaths 5 mins....seems like hes a bit to good?!?

So I was looking on You-tube to find a video of AimBot to see what it does for them. Kinda ticked me off. Makes me wonder about every "miracle" shot I get killed by now.

If anyone is interested this is a link to the AimBot video I watched