Cutting NPR, PBS, NEA, and Amtrak is retard talk. They make up a miniscule amount of the budget but gather an excessive amount of GOP angst.

-NEA: 0.0045% of national budget
-PBS & NPR: 0.012% of national budget
-Amtrak: ~1.0%

Cutting funding to Planned Parenthood is also stupid. Cutting off the nose to spite the face. If you don't like abortions, fine... but removing a legitimate, low cost health care solution for millions of women is retarded... another GOP hot button issue that really won't impact the economy.

-Abortions at PP make up only 3% of their services.
-PP gets a whopping .008 of the national budget.

"The best thing I can do for student debt is get you a good job when you get out"

Actually the best thing is to stop increasing the amount the government will co-sign on a student loan. As long as the government is backing student loans at a higher and higher rate, universities will continue to increase tuition rates.