"I think thats why it's sometimes best to go with a CMS (Content Management System) like Post Nuke or PHP-Nuke, etc so that everyone involved can contribute to the website and all you have to do is the 'content'. Let the PHP and database do the work for you."
- Good advice, however, the first grandfunkhighway.com site I deployed was in the first months of 1996. There weren't any "canned" scripts. Hell, NewsPro didn't even exist yet. I had to hand code all my own automated, backend processes. Also, I should mention, I'd never coded Perl before so I had to LEARN how to hack the code, then write it... Deploying an automated website is easy in 2002, many things to download and perform minor tweeks on. In 1996, this was not the case.

"if i remember right, i82.com was 95% run by cgi scripts. made it easier for wraith and staff to update and monitor every aspect of the site."
- Very true. However, I wrote 90% of those scripts, just short of the hit counter. The "news.cgi" which ran i82.com was written from the ground up with the help of the guy who wrote "CougaLinks", Paul, if I remember correctly. I worked on CGI scripts for 6 months before we even announced i82.com existed. We're talking 24, 48, sometimes, 72 hours days...I'd work straight through without sleeping. Makes for going to work difficult, especially, when you're active duty in the USMC. Ever considered how difficult it is to run 5 miles at 6am when you've been up three days straight? I'm sure I about died.

It was this time I decided I would "train" myself on less sleep. It took several months of cutting back an hour here, an hour there...but I got myself down to only needing 1-2 hours of sleep per night WITHOUT AID OF STIMULANTS. I wasn't tired, either. It's amazing how much you can get done per day when you have 22 hours of productivity time. Even this, was difficult. Every 2 months I would need to sleep nearly 24 hours. Needless to say, "working on websites" taxed me physically and mentally. Which brings us to the moral of the story which I already stated, "Leading a gang/clan/tribe online isn't fun."

"p.s. those nuking programs you mentioned suck. please do not mention them again."
- Odd you say that, it was a point of contention in the community at the time. The GFH constitution mentions we "will not" do any such thing. However, as some may remember, the GFH once hosted a "Hack Roast" via a ICQ chat room. The night was spent with nearly 80 members of the community coming and going in/out of that chat throughout 6 hours, forming 4-man teams and infiltrating hack hosted games. I gave instructions how to obtain IP address information about all people IN a game, the information was reported back to the main ICQ chat, and we nuked/crashed people all 6 hours. I'd also custom build a "paint nuker" for each game entered. I must have made hundreds of crasher varients that night.

A community member named, "HackKilla", from the gang "Great Hack Jihad" lead most of the coordination efforts in the chat. He formed the teams, he picked which servers they would go to. I was doing it at first but couldln't hand out crashers and form teams simulaneously. HackKilla was/is a Former Marine.

The GFH took much flack for hosting such an "abusive" event. However, people who truly hated the GFH showed up to participate for an hour or two. It was a great community building event. Brought a lot of people together.