Well, thanks, guys... gonna make a server admin blush or something...

In any case, I have no difficulty with making the password semi-public (which is why I've posted it in public forums twice). The thing I'm trying to avoid more than anything is having an un admined server. I want there to always be at least one Knight on the server that can take care of the trash, and for now, that Knight has to be me. Remote administration for anyone else is really a super-huge PITA... Here's hoping someone mods something...

In other news, I'm working (here a little, there a little) on a BF1942 version of tribesserverstat. I don't think it will be a lot of effort, but currently, the program that I use to probe servers doesn't seem to work too well with BF1942 (buggy at best because it queries the GaySpy port on the server). I'll let you know when I get close to a releasable product...