Hmm... we don't really do cheats around here, so I'm thinking you'll have to go elsewhere for that sort of thing... But, here is something I read the other day...
So, it appears that some of the cheats which are being distributed online work...but none are working very well.

Accuracy Hack - this removes deviation when you move. But it doesn't impact gameplay all that much. You still have to lead your targets.

Speed Hack - doesn't work. The client thinks it works...but the server doesn't register it.

Fog Hack - doesn't work. But editing your video settings does work.

Wall Hack - Not very effective...only shows particle effects through buildings. You could see some vehicles...but not very well.

Iffin' you could let people know that we're watching the cheats and we'll definitely adjust the game with patches to counter them.

Also, If someone's key is being used online, ie. It was hacked, then they can contact Tech Support…PROVE they own the game, and they'll be given a new number.

We're actively going after people who distribute the cracked game and people who host cracked servers. We are capturing data on all of them.


This was posted by someone claiming to be an EA/DICE employee, but I have no way to actually prove that's who it's from. In any case, it should give some people something to think about as far as how "real" the cheats are...

On the subject of console commands... I found a complete list of those somewhere, too... But, I'll have to get back to you since I can't remember the site off hand...