If found a link to an order form to order the demo CD (free I believe) here .

I did not see any link to download the demo, mine was sent to me without request from me.

I do have something to confess. I actualy like the game and this version is a far cry from the last Beta phase I was in (I was in phase 2-4 I think, it was interesting in those days since the server was only up certain hours durning the week and not up at all on sundays or mondays). They still have a lag problem but boy, you should have seen Beta 2, you could not move for the lag.

Oh, and combat is much easier now that I figgured out how to set my weapons to auto-fire, keeps you from having to bash hotkeys to shoot.

I played around with tradeskills a bit and did all the same missions that I did in Beta. The disgusting thing is I am up to level 26 already with level 10 in Combat. I like the game enough that I just ordered it from EBGames for 20 bucks and there is a $10 rebate coupon with the demo disks. I figgure I might keep at it a couple months so I'll order it. If it was a $50 initial purchace there is no way I would have bought it (before christmas and all).

I still have never grouped up in the game yet in beta or full release. Explorer classes seem to do better solo than warriors, it is fully possible to level at these levels at least without fighting (of course then your combat level would suffer but many explorers do a lot of trading of merchandise, trade skills, and prospecting asteroids which can be harrowing if you get ambushed).

The next patch is supposed to add some kind of PvP... teambased according to the people chatting about it. Have not looked into it myself.

Remember there are no actual physics in this game, it is purely an RPG with zero simulation. You can not collide with anything which is nice but you can fly through bases and asteroids and such which kind of looses some imersion factor.

The graphics are realy, realy nice.