Sounds like they are doing the Ultima Online style PvP then. Gaurds and "safe" areas and so forth.

I predict it will turn into a PKers GankFest with a bunch of idiots (of all ages) with extremely stupid names running around Pking people at will and just pissing people off. Everyone will be crammed into the more patrolled areas so there will not be enough asteroids to go around (is there anything to do besides mining?). You throw open PvP into and RPG and all it turns into is a gank fest. And if you can't hang with the gangsta's (and they will talk like it too, foo!) then go elswhere. Saw it happen before in both EQ and UO it will happen again.

UO ended up redisigning their game to allow for non-PvP shard mirrors. EQ is mostly non-PvP with PvP servers for people that want to play that way (SullonZek, which I used to like but got sick of all the gangsta wannabies who just wanted to ruin your day... no other reason since they could not loot more than your coin anyway).

We shall see what eve turns into. Did I mention the graphics rock? And the music sets the mood quite well.

Unfortunately I have been eying Neocron lately. An interesting blend of first person shooter and RPG with PvP in unrestricted areas. Of course it is all just time killer before Planetside and SWG (not sure which I look forward to more, Planetside possibly).