Thanks gents. i got some cool new toys thats fo sho.

One Cordless Elite Duo from good old logitech (though it doesnt like Mozilla, if anyone has any ideas on how to remedy this, feel free to post em. [Go away if you feel like protesting the use of mozilla, theres already a post about it being blown out of proportion :P]) Soon to be coupled with the MX 700 mouse.

One Robotech: Battlecry for the GCN. (Definately a cool game)

One, already full, DVD tower, 50 DVD capacity. Yep...I have too many DVD's. But Solar, despite being robbed, has enough to put me to shame I suspect.

And one DVD of "The Transporter" Jason Statham is the coolest white martial artist around. And the movie isn't half bad.

Thanks again. Sorry for the late reply, dinner, hangin out with friends...all is good.