Game get in your blood and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. Pixelsponge, excellent observations on both maps. As a you can imagine, the more we play together we understand what we are trying to accomplish and of course you start to understand each others tendecies.

Example...Goob, Slaughter and I have been playing side by side now for two years plus years. Its safe to say I know what they like to do and when and how most times.

Repetition makes habits and habits become natural. So practice, practice, practice. So we should on Damnation let you just smoke their offense with that rifle and apply another to flag chaser...sounds like a plan.

On Sanctury...drop the sniper and make LD period.


Guys, I would suggest using our AK forum in T2 for this kind of infomation in the future. We are the only ones who have access. Take a look at what I've posted so far and add as you see need to.