Originally posted by [AK]Choozoo

Are we the United Corporations of America? or The United States of America. They can and should do their tax responsibility. But shipping jobs to India to increase profits may be good for business, but bad for America.
It cuts both ways. Foreign car companies have manufacturing facilities in the US. Should we eschew "insourcing"? What if they pull out as a penalty for our fiscal protectionism?

We don't operate in a vacuum. It's often painful, but economies evolve. 50 years ago we were far more ma-and-pa agricultural than we are now. Our economy and labor force evolves. Shifting employment for certain jobs overseas hurts some people in the short term. Placing artificial regulations on the marketplace will hurt more people over the long term.

Originally posted by [AK]Choozoo
I'm not against big business, but what exactly have they done for me us?
I work for a Fortune 200 company, and have for the last 10 years. There are millions like me, and our tax dollars carry the water for much of the US.

Originally posted by [AK]Choozoo
I believe the leader of your party is granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Wonder who would benefit from that...
It's a sticky topic, with uncomfortable conclusions either way you slice it.
Crack down on illegals, and you seriously throttle our industry. Think larger agro-corps can afford to pay $12 an hour to some Union guy picking spinach? Think again.

Originally posted by [AK]Choozoo
Examples please. (In response to my saying "We cannot isolate ourselves from the world without it biting us in the ass."
A smart ass might respond: "WWII Europe." A more recent illustration would be Iraq of the early 90's. An isolationist would've allowed Saddam to keep Kuwait. Emboldened, he'd have likely rolled into Saudi Arabia. Once in control of something like half the world's oil supplies, the economic impact for us would be stark. Can you say $5 per gallon at the pump? It's not a lark.

This is to say nothing about the logical next steps - Iraq as a nuclear power, in position to take out Israel.

Then there's the issue of Islamic terror. They attack us because they hate what we stand for. They hate the fact that our women wear belly shirts and we lay around drinking beer and watching football. They hate that Bay Watch is one of the most popular shows on Arab television. The bombs would be coming our way no matter how much we might like to bury our heads in the sand.