But this needs to stay in the spotlight. CBS's attack on Bush was clearly coordinated with Moveon.org's attacks on Bush's military record. The timing of both coming out at the same time was a bit much. It looks like an awful lot of the media had stories waiting in the hopper about Bush's guard service. The CBS scandal has knocked them all off balance.

People need to be reminded of the lies CBS has spread, and to question every bit of "reporting" that comes out of this organization. CBS needs a couple dozen more kicks in the teeth to knock them back in line.

The fake documents were bad enough ... then Dan tried to prop them up with office rumors and hearsay from an 86-year-old Bush-hater (her politics were something he neglected to mention when he interviewed her). The "fake but accurate" defense of the documents, based on the secretary's recollections of Killian's office discussions, did not hold water. Now that it's come out that the documents came to CBS via a known crank with an anti-Bush vendetta, CBS has a lot of explaining to do. What they have said already is not nearly enough. Heads need to roll - specifically those of Mary Mapes and Dan Rather.

That CBS went forward with the story under those circumstances means actual malice was present against Bush, not just journalistic carelessness. They were so stumblingly eager to attack George W. Bush that all concern about ethics and truthfulness was discarded. The public needs to remember CBS's attack on the president - and vote with their advertising dollars.