I predict that the margin of victory will be larger than most think for Bush. Not a landslide, but nowhere near as close as the last one.

The Liberals have no foundation, and Kerry is a flat out liar and I believe more and more people are realizing it. The positions he doesn't lie about, he is just flat out wrong on. He accuses President Bush of spending money on Iraq instead of at home. So in other words, Kerry believes in spending money on social programs over defending out country. If that is not short sightedness, I don't know what is.

When was the last time a poor person provided you with employment opportunities?

How can you give tax cuts to those who don't pay any, or much, to begin with? Yes - wealth redistribution. The staple of the Liberal / Socialist way.

As I've said before, when the Clinton's look preferential to the candidate for the Democratic party - you know this country is in grave danger.

Just wondering, did you guys know Kerry was in Vietnam? I was just curious as he only mentioned it about 80 or 90 times during the debate and I hope you didn't miss that fact. But then again, he spent more time in the debate than he did in Vietnam. </sarcasm>