I thought I was done...but apparently I'm not LOL!!! I just looked at that site again...OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

Even if I was a Democrat I'd be embarassed to admit it after seeing that! How many of those people are unemployed pot heads?? LOOK AT THEIR DAMNED EYES!! Everylast one of them couldn't focus on a straight line if their life depended on it!! (unless, of course, that line was white and powdery). HOLY HIPPIES!!! Geezus people! It's 2004 not 1967! And where is the Muslim website...

I'm sorry for Sept. 11. We started this web page to inform the rest of the world that we are very sorry for the people who preformed that dastardly, criminal, insane and horrible thing with the buildings over there...

Nope....did a google search...no apologies...no where..none in Iraq, or Iran, or Jordan, or Egypt, or Turkey, or Afghanistan, or Khazakstan, etc, etc, etc....not a single person apologizing for that

or for the trains in Spain

or for the Night Club in Bali

or for the bombing recently in Paris

or for the kidnapping and murder of children in Russia

or for the kidnappings and gruesome beheadings in Iraq

or for the continued renouncing of human rights in Iran

or for the tens of thousands of Kurds killed with chemical weapons

I can go on and on....

no apologies....

From Canada...may Bush continue to do the right thing..even if he makes a mistake or two along the road, we know, even up here in socialist Canada, that the world is a better place with him in charge...just remember..don't get to big fer yer britches though...