Although Bush still won the popular vote, I am very thankful for the Electoral College. The issues of the cities can be decided within the cities ... but whenever the Dems gain power, they start enforcing city values nationwide. A prime example of this (one I care deeply about) is gun control.

It's fine with me if the voters of San Francisco, New York City and Boston want strict gun control laws. They live in a different environment. But watching Clinton and his (initially) Democrat congress roll over for Handgun Control every time they wanted a gun ban bill passed turned me off the Donkey party forever. Clinton's anti-gun executive orders didn't help either.

It's too bad there's not a viable third party that believes in ALL individual rights. I don't have deep feelings one way or the other on the gay marriage issue or abortion ... but the Dems never fail to launch a full assault on the Second Amendment whenever they are in control.

I think gun owners in the last few elections have been a potent force against the Dems. We have long memories.