This line of thinking is nothing new, Zorro. A guy by the name of Adolf Hitler had similar views.

"I would like to point out that I am not encouraging biggotry towards the disabled of this country, or any other."

No, you're just discouraging disabled people from living a normal life and taking advantage of healthcare.

By the way, "disabled" is a broad term. If someone loses an appendage in an accident, that person shouldn't have kids? Ahab might not be able to run a marathon, but he may be able to have healthy kids. Incurring a disability in life does not make one's genes any less viable.

What concerns me most about your post is how you intend for us to eliminate "people with disabilities and mental/physical ailments." Since you make no suggestions, let me present some possibilities. We could segregate the "less intelligent, less attractive, less healthy, and less capable member[s] of our society" from the rest of the population. We could refuse them healthcare, since we wouldn't want to encourage them to live. We could, as Widowmaker has mentioned, sterilize such people, or just kill them all to make sure that they do not further taint the gene pool. Finally, we could mandate that these people have abortions should they unwisely choose to "breed." The latter is, horrifically enough, the most realistic scenario.

There are segments of the scientific community (including a few biology professors I had in college) who believe that all pregnant women should receive amniocentesis, chorionic villa sampling, maternal blood screening, and ultrasound to detect birth defects. Some birth defects can be corrected before birth, but for those unlucky fetuses who have incurable birth defects, abortion would be the treatment. Theoretically, this could rid America of people with, for example, Down's syndrome, congenital heart defects, Spina Bifida, Cystic Fibrosis, and Muscular Dystrophy, along with any of the other 4,000 birth defects.

What about people with a history of cancer in their families? Should they not be allowed to reproduce, either? That would leave me out. I also have diabetes on both sides of my family.

The nice thing about America that sets it apart from much of the rest of the world is that every American enjoys the same rights. If you think that the government should regulate who should and should not have children, China might be a better place for you.

It is hilarious that I, probably the most conservative AKer with the exception of perhaps Abaddon, am the official voice for civil rights in this organization. Zorro, look at that flag flying in your signature and think about what it stands for.