I played around with Google Earth last night. Very cool. I can zoom right in from orbit straight down to my street and a very good sattelite image of my 4-plex. I've seen the satellite images of where I live before but this was a pretty good image.

I also had to check out the view of Mt. St. Helens which is in some pretty good detail too. And in keeping with that I had to go tour Volcano National Park in Hawaii

I checked out my parents place in Yakima but no images of it, must be in a shadow area there because of the angle of the sattelites, about half of Yakima is rendered, the rest isnt but they do draw the streets there. I checked out the Yakima Firing Center to see if they had that giant Eschelon satellite outside of town and suprise suprise... it does not seem to exist. It is just... erased from the surround ground which I was suprised was rendered with access roads considering it is a military reservation... but its mostly a training ground so I suppose they don't consider most of it very much of a security risk.

Anyway, thanks for the link to Google Earth. It is pretty cool!