Sorry to disappoint you.

Fallon is 65 miles east of Carson City on US50. It's a large farming valley, large by Nevada standards. It's also been on national news recently for a childhood leukemia cancer cluster outbreak. The area was blessed with a visit from Hilary. :P

It's also home to a large naval air station, a significant archeological site at Grimes Point to the east where a 10,000 year old man was discovered a few years ago (He's older than me!), and an underground nuclear test conducted in the 50s to the east on Fairview Peak that not a lot of people are aware of. The test chamber's elevation is equal to the surface of the nearby salt flats west of the mountain which causes concern to the locals for possible movement and drifting of radioactive materials.

Emigrants camped on the Carson River for rest and recovery after passing through the hot deserts and salt flats of the Humbolbt and Carson Sink. They washed and hung out their worn and ragtag clothes, hence the location was called Ragtown.

Lohontan Valley was the bottom and deepest part of the ancient Lake Lohontan of 20,000 years ago that covered a large part of Nevada.

Well enough of geographical, archeological, geological, and historical history. I'll bet that guy got his heart started when he opened that envelope. On local news they said the woman came forward to identify herself to the authorities and that she was romatically interested in the guy. Hmmm! That's putting it mildly! No mixed signals there!

Reno was in the national news for a tampered with letter sent to the Microsoft office in the Sierra Pacific building that was later confirmed to be carrying Anthrax. No place is immune to these attacks but there's no panic here.