Well, TW has a good idea as far as a full solutions T1 & T2 portal... but they have no sense of people skills or responsible management. And when you make the decision to provide some sort of online service... if you expect to maintain the respect of your community audience, it would be wise implement some form of standard order. Unfortunately, they have not learned this.

Respectfully it is their choice, as it is my choice to not go there....granted one of my own warriors is a staff member there.

Yes we were very heavy in T1, I believe we ultimately made it to #23 on the OGL ladder. We were recently on the TWL 16 man ladder for T2 and made it to #29 or so.

Currently we've been trying to do some recruiting of our own as we re-organize our team for ladder competitions once again. Looking forward to some ground pounding soon

Follow the Path,

Dominus Nyarlathotep
Knights of Invictus
Crimson Ocean Pennant