What attracts gamers to PC games is the ability for additional and new content to be added. By means of internet downloads and online worlds, additional material can be added to the game at any time. The downfall is that most gaming companies don't want to invest in a 3 - 5 year lifecycle for a game. From development to production games are dated the minute they are released. In order to attract new sales and stay fresh in the market by the time most companies release their product they are already halfway through the development cycle for the next game.

Game companies must be willing to make a long term investment in a game. The shouldn't outsource patches and addons to a third party. They shouldn't let products die but instead continue to add to the gamer's experience through not just new content but engine modifications and core game changes... make an investment in the game and gamers will stay with you.

Like any drug dealer knows, the real profit is in the come-back. Cellular providers know this too that's why phones are free because the real money is in the airtime. So game companies should do the same thing. Sell the game and then sell addons, new content, develop richer online environments, build your community.

Personally I like PC Gaming because I feel that there are fewer kids playing PC games when compared to console games. I just wish the gaming companies would develop gaming models that attracted a wider bredth of players.