Now that consoles are getting more advanced they are catching up in the area of Grafix, but imagine wow with NO MODS. the game whould have never made it as far, if it were not for the customization options that come with it. You can realy twist the UI to suit your own gaming style. I have seen a lot of good games in the past get killed by a crappy UI. Now I wont be surprised when we start buying console games loaded on solid state drives that allow modding, or console systems that allow for something like that. I know the XBOX got verry close to this. The one thing that does still hold a lot of sway is the Unerversal Standard, there is now on adv. more than 1 computer in every home in America (Im not sure about europe). Playstation, nor XBOX can claim that. So if a designer wants to hit as large a market as possible... PC is the answer. If they want to keep support cost low (Make your money and go Method) they can go Console... But all in all a Static game that never changes will probably never hold #1 game ever again, now that Dynamicly designed and updated MMOs are out there.