Gov. Palin is smart, beautiful (there is no sexier VP candidate in history), tough (she is an Alaska girl and former commercial fisherman, after all), charismatic (80% approval rating), and, most importantly, conservative. Yesterday, there were whispers that Kay Bailey Hutchison would be the pick. I was happy about that for many of the same reasons that I'm happy about the choice of Palin. McCain has an opportunity to win over a significant number of Hillary supporters--mostly middle-aged and older white women who want desperately to see a female POTUS in their lifetimes. They resent Obama for beating their girl and shattering their dreams. In Palin, they have their chance once again. That's my theory, anyway. Also, Palin's son is shipping off to Iraq, so she is a genuine security mom who will appeal to other security moms.

This is McCain's election to lose. Obama is vulnerable, and his asinine choice of Biden for VP only made things worse for him. The GOP has more material on Biden than they can ever stuff into their campaign ads. The guy is an arrogant joke, and he always has been. Thanks to McCain's brilliant choice, he has secured my vote and, undoubtedly, those of a vast majority of conservatives--many of whom may have stayed home had McCain chosen a moderate or liberal.

Regarding the experience question, Palin has much more experience as a governor than Obama does in the Senate, where he has logged, last I saw, only 143 days. Obama has governed nothing beyond his own household, in which Michelle probably wears the pants, anyway.

McCain + Palin = Winning Ticket