Good points on the Republican bashing. I couldn't agree more. Though I'm not sure I agree that the Republicans caused Hurricane Katrina. The Republicans seroiusly screwed up their day in the sun - anyone who denies that is deluding themselves.

For the most part, I find Obama and McCain to be remarkebly similar - with only a few minor differences. Amongst those - McCain is not seeking to make me a felon for a owning few steel pipes with springs in my basement. McCain didn't consider a white hating racist his spiritial leader and the most influential person in his life. And McCain didn't seek input from US hating Terrorists during his formative years. Closer to the wallet, I expect Obama's fiscal policies to be a dissaster - he seeks to tax his way to greatness. I see a lot of Jimmy Carter in this one. So yes, the Bush years were a dissaster. No matter what happens today, the Bush years are over. A new party has both houses, and the next president is NOT going to be George Bush.

As to political differences - we're an adult video gaming community populated by intelligent respectful adults who think. Nobody is going to be excommunicated for respectfully holding differences in political opinions. Folks will certainly challenge what you say when they differ in opinions. And I think that's a good thing. Facts and data should always trump BS and rhetoric.