I'm not one of those fanboys that expect story arcs to be faithful to the original source material... I just expect a good story and acting and special effects to be done in the correct proportion. As longs as this reboot of Star Trek delivers, I'm good to go.

I think that Sylar was a good pick for Spock (too iconic to go with a rebooted Spock) and everyone looks fine.

My main issue with Star Trek (especially Voyager and in part with Enterprise and DS9 and some episodes of TNG) was that the plot became dependent on technology to be the sole device used to resolve the crisis faced by the crew. Characters were nothing more than the delivery system for the technological fix. This is why BSG works so well. Technology is rarely a plot device. Good writing and an understanding of what makes drama is what keeps audiences coming back for more, not a new way of reconfiguring the forward aray using the dilithium cyrstals to focus time protons towards the quantum instance. Blech!